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About (aka

This website was conceived as the result of my receiving a picture from a friend, in which she had inscribed upon her boob a message in support of Barack Obama. It was such a clever, fun, and yes of course sexy way for her to show her support of Barack Obama that I was instantly stoked, and the ideas started spinning in my head!

Having a background in website development, I quickly turned the idea into the website that you see today. Due to the widespread coverage Boobs4Barack has received in blogs, on websites, and even on radio stations around the world, it has grown into something much more than just a picture of a boob ... it has grown into 25 pictures of boobs (as of the time of this writing, lolz).

Since the website is only two weeks old, who knows what form it will take in the coming days. That is really up to you, the people who are viewing the site and submitting pictures and feedback.

That is all, thank you for taking the time to read my About section.



A few important Notes:

If you see something that should not be here, i.e. copyrighted material posted by a user or anything else inappropriate which we let slip through the cracks, , please inform us immediately by sending email to boobs4barack (a)

Not that we should have to say it, but for the record, we are obviously not affiliated with the Barack Obama campaign in any way. We believe in him and support his bid for President, and this is just one small, fun way that we are showing our support. If you are offended by this website, please accept our sincere apologies... and maybe just consider for a moment what is so offensive about a lovely body part which we all have and which makes life as we know it possible! We think that boobs are beautiful, hopefully you do too. Thanks for visiting :)